Grade: 8th
School: Castillero Middle School & Korean International School
Hobbies/Interests: Watching Netflix, Crocheting, Drawing, Painting, Reading
Why I write:  I write not only because it’s a necessity for school, but as a way for me to express myself. My thoughts, feelings, and ideas in my writing show who I am and what I’m interested in. Putting my thoughts into words allows me to have a better understanding of myself, and it is a great way to create goals that benefit me and others around me. Writing is also a way to communicate my ideas to others and strive for a change in my environment, or even the world. Whether it is argumentative, persuasive, narrative, or just journal writing for myself, I believe that writing has many benefits that will change my future.
First Place Article: “Crossing the Golden Gate: Bay Area Immigration”

Dive into Evelyn's World

Dive into Evelyn's World

Crossing the Golden Gate

It has been centuries since the first wave of immigration broke upon America’s shores. While views on immigration have changed for the better, there is still a long way to go and many things to change for America to be the ‘free country’ immigrants have come here for.

How to Wake Up Early

Nighttime routines are just as important as your morning routine. This is especially important if you want to sleep early. Wash up, prepare your bed, and turn off the lights to sleep. Keep your phone away from your bed. You can place it on your desk, or if you have a hard time controlling yourself, put it in another room.

The Wedge Between Old & New Cultures

One conflict between me and my parents is the lack of communication. It didn’t have to do with language, since I’m bilingual and my parents can understand English pretty well. Sometimes, we can’t understand each other’s feelings and perspectives and tend to only think about ourselves when getting into arguments.

Exploring our community through creative expression.