2025 Writing Contests

*must be enrolled in program to participate

Tell a Bay Area Story

Summer Deadline: August 15, 2024

Enlighten your readers with a creative essay that illustrates a slice of life in the Bay Area. Choose a topic (art, culture, society, business, health, social justice) and interview 3 people over 30 years old in the Bay Area that have interesting professions relating to that topic. Find a common thread between these three people and write an out-of-the-box essay that shares a distinctly Bay Area story.

Unsung Community Leaders

Winter Deadline: December 31, 2024

Choose one lesser-known leader (from the present or past), research their life and work, and write a profile on them. How they have impacted our community in some way? Be creative.

Throughout your essay, you should also be interpreting the following question in your own way: How do you define a leader? How does this person help us understand what a leader could be?

Fantasy Fiction

Summer Deadline: June 30, 2025

It’s no question what teens love to read: fantasy. Many students have submitted short stories in this genre that it seemed time to create a bigger contest to encourage students to perfect their fantasy craft.

For this contest, create a fantasy short story about anything.

2024 Writing Contests