Grade: 9th
School: Leigh High School
Hobbies/Interests: Digital animation, Taekwondo, Computer systems/Coding
Why I write: When I design and build my own world, the feedback I get from peers, which provides me with a fresh perspective on my project, is the one thing I am seeking most. Every single time I find a viewpoint that I've never considered, I feel a great joy. How did they get to their point? Also, reading others' writings inspires me a lot. It brings me a competitive spirit and motivates me to write articles that surpass them.
Second Place Article: “The End of the Golden Age”


  • First Place Contest Winner - Winter ‘24

  • Second Place Contest Winner - Summer ‘24

Dive into Grace's World

Dive into Grace's World

The End of the Golden Age

"Business is dying. It's not the glory days anymore,” famous Sausalito fisherman Roger Thomas lamented to reporter Alastair Bland.  Fishermen in the California Bay Area are in a precarious situation.

How Can I Find Motivation to Study?

Every single night, my desire to study burns. When I finish a day with nothing done, despair creeps into my body. I used to ask myself, what did you do today? You had almost 17 hours to go and sit at your desk and open your essay document.

The Unveiled Force

FIRST PLACE CONTEST WINNER: Traditional prejudice against women scientists became an obstacle that hindered her from awarding the Nobel Prize and other scientific prizes. Lise was nominated 19 times for Physics Nobel Prizes and 30 times for Chemistry Nobel Prizes, but she never received one.

Exploring our community through creative expression.