Grade: 10th
School: Design Tech High School
Hobbies/Interests: Swimming, Mechanical activities, Video Games
Why I write:  I somewhat despise writing. Unfortunately, throughout my life the only writing I've really done were things like required school assignments, etc. I have never thought of writing just “for fun” as it always seems like a boring school activity and nothing else. I write just for good grades, which is awful, so I'm here now to change and hopefully find happiness in writing.
Featured Article: The New Age of Cell Phone Bans


  • Top Article of the Month Winner - Sept ‘24

Dive into Jason's World

Dive into Jason's World

The New Age of Cell Phone Bans

“Okay class, turn to page two,” your professor boringly drones on. It's another day in English. You sit at a table in a blank room, flickering overhead lights, and a whiteboard far off in the distance full of scribbles and unknown words. As your boredom increases, only one thing can actually stop it; The convenient entertainment of your phone.

Sucked into a Black Hole?

When you think of a black hole, your mind might come to a futuristic space mission diverted by some imperceptible and mysterious force into which its victim gets sucked in and disappears. But how do black holes suck in everything, even light itself?

Coming Soon

Coming soon

Exploring our community through creative expression.