Romanticize School for Straight A’s
How to do activities you don’t want to do.
“It is difficult to not pick up your phone or be distracted while doing something. So to prevent that, you can imagine that you are studying to become the world’s richest person on Earth, be a great world leader, or become the first scientist to find a cure for cancer.”
Whether it’s homework, chores, or practicing an instrument, there is always work that needs to be done. And sometimes, we don’t really want to do those tasks. This lazy attitude may cause you to procrastinate, do work last minute, or completely forget about it. To stop loafing around and get some actual work done, you can try romanticizing life.
Romanticizing means “to think about or describe something as being better or more interesting than it really is.” Procrastinating and overstuffing work into a short amount of time can cause great stress and burn-outs. However, romanticizing has helped me get things done and more efficiently.
Firstly you need to trick your brain into the correct mindset. Try to stay positive and productive. Instead of thinking, ‘I have so much work to do in so little time’ think to yourself, ‘I can finish this one step at a time.’ Having this mindset will let you work to the best of your abilities.
Having a productive area is important for focus and encouragement. Put posters of affirmations around your wall saying, “Believe in Yourself” or “Don’t Give Up.” These quotes will inspire you to continue working towards your dreams.
Before you start anything, organize your desk by removing any unimportant items. This will prevent you from being distracted. This can make your working environment more productive and motivational.
I like listening to music while studying because it is a great way to have fun while staying focused. Some of my favorite songs to work with are from an artist named Laufey. She creates amazing music by combining many types of genres such as jazz, bossa nova, classical, and pop. Her music gets me in a good vibe, which helps me study.
Planning all my work helps me stay on top of my assignments. Making my checklist aesthetically pleasing makes it more enjoyable to finish tasks. Take out markers in all sorts of fun colors to spice up your planner by adding cute doodles saying motivational quotes. Or maybe add a couple sparkles around your words to make them prettier. Planning is a fun process to get organized but still having fun.
Taking small steps at a time can help you get more done. It is difficult to not pick up your phone or be distracted while doing something. So to prevent that, you can imagine that you are studying to become the world’s richest person on Earth, be a great world leader, or become the first scientist to find a cure for cancer. And after each assignment is completed, think that you are one step closer to that goal. Romanticizing goals (even if they are very unlikely) can get you motivated to work harder.
You can also show your progress to your parents or friends for some feedback. Then take that feedback in a positive way and try to make it as best as you can possibly make it. So, appreciate your work and take credit for how far you’ve come.
When doing your homework, it is important to take breaks to prevent burn-outs. I use the 25/5 rule, which is 25 minutes of working and then a 5 minute break. You can adjust these times to better match your pace. If you try to do too much studying without stopping, you can overwork yourself, get tired, and end up procrastinating.
Romanticizing can help you get things done faster, more efficiently, and relaxed. This method has helped me get my homework and assignments done with ease. Instead of procrastinating, you should try to stay in a positive mindset and romanticize work so that you can be one step closer to becoming the richest person in the world!
Works Cited
Gooden, Devin. “The Very Demure Approach I’m Taking to My Career This Fall.” The Everygirl,
“Romanticize.” The Britannica Dictionary,,something%20in%20a%20romantic%20way
Tavas, Leyla. “How to ROMANTICIZE school - this will motivate you.” YouTube, uploaded by Leyla Tavas, 24 April 2024,