Maritime Mindset Scandal: Part 2
RADIO SHOW: She made it into Harvard. She got her dream job. But when will everyone find out she’s lied about it all?
Scene 4
NARRATION: It had been a few months since Elson officially decided to fake her identity for her next interview. She would have to find false resources for her interview if she wanted a shot at this company. She collected, or more like made up, data about herself that was untrue, such as a fake family background, name, personal background, and the hardest part, a fake transcript. At first, this all seemed impossible to do in only a couple of months, but Elson managed to get it down. She practiced reciting information and was finally ready for her shot at The Maritime Mindset as Michelle Elsler.
ELSON: Michelle Elsler. Michelle Elsler. Harvard University. Great Student. Only child. Derek and Charlotte Elsler. I’ve got my transcript on my phone, ready to go.
NARRATION: Elson anxiously mumbled to herself as she walked up to the door and knocked three times. She was back in her hometown, Detroit, to interview for a company called The Maritime Mindset. This was one of the best engineering companies of northeast California. An honored marine engineering company with billions of successful productions. It would be a huge opportunity for Elson if she got in. Not only could she earn high salaries, but if she succeeded in this environment, almost everyone in the tech industry would know her. She would prove to her highschool self, students, and teachers that she was a force to be reckoned with. The stupid 2 month suspension didn’t bother her, it only made her stronger, smarter, and more confident. She took a deep breath and walked into the conference room. There, Mark Smith kindly greets her with a smile and a joke.
SMITH: Hey, it’s nice to meet you! Mark Smith.
ELSON: Michelle Elsler.
NARRATION: The two shake hands across the table.
SMITH: I received all your information. It sounds like you had a very successful educational period. Wow. Harvard, that was my dream as a student! But obviously this dodo brain wasn’t destined for that!
NARRATION: Smith chuckles as he says this. Then he carefully reads through all the information and continues on with the interview asking numerous questions.
SMITH: So! Let’s start off with the basics. What are your reasons for applying? Why did you choose The Maritime Mindset?
ELSON: Well, as a little girl, I absolutely loved technology. I was like the tech manager for every class in elementary school. Whenever a student couldn’t log in, or they forgot how to exit off a site, I was on my feet to the rescue. Then, as I grew up, that love for computers turned into a high interest in engineering and advanced technology. My father Derek was a marine biologist which soon led me to also have a strong love and desire for marine animals. I visited the aquarium every weekend with my parents. These two passions combined are basically this company. Marine engineering.
NARRATION: Elson felt proud of herself for this answer. She soon had this identity of Michelle Elsler grow on her as the interview went on. And it made her feel better. For some weird reason, this Elsler person was really giving Elson confidence. She loved it.
SMITH: Well, thank you very much. I appreciate it.
ELSON: Yes! Thank you for having me. Please reach out again!
NARRATION: As Elson walked out of the room, she felt this pride in herself that she hadn't felt in a long time. After almost 15 years of being punished, feeling bad about herself and being rejected, Elson had finally accomplished something. She felt that pretending to be another person helped her ditch that self pity, and be confident. Maybe she might get in. As Michelle Elsler.
Scene 5
NARRATION: It has been a few weeks since the interview for The Maritime Mindset. Elson has been anxiously waiting for a response every day since then.
NARRATION: A notification from Elson’s false account appears. It is from The Maritime Mindset. The subject of the email is “Interview Results”. Elson nervously opens up the email. If she got in, this would be a huge comeback and achievement for her. However, she didn’t expect to get in 100%. Not knowing if she would become part of the crew or not, she read through multiple paragraphs. Then all of a sudden, a mixture of joy, pride, sadness, and doubt started in her.
NARRATION: She had gotten in. She had made it and was officially a staff member of The Maritime Mindset. After all of the failing, and self hate, she had achieved something. And it wasn’t just some little thing, she had gotten into one of the best engineering companies in her area. She quickly attached an image of the email to a message to send to Jane but decided to hold on to it for now.
NARRATION: This email had her fake name on it. Although Michelle Elsler had gotten in, Jennifer Elson hadn’t. She would have to make a huge effort to hide this from her parents. But it wasn’t very difficult to edit the photo and change the name on the email. Without much thought, she quickly sends Jane the email and smiles. Her first day was in a week. It would soon be the most memorable day of her life. The day when she entered a successful company as Michelle Elsler.
NARRATION: Today was Elson’s very first day at The Maritime Mindset. She was nervous yet confident. The character of Michelle Elsler had now grown on Elson. It didn’t seem unnatural anymore. She felt more confident walking into a building as Elsler than when she did as Elson. She quickly introduced herself to the staff and her very first meeting. She got to know many people and was warmly welcomed. Now this is what Elson had been looking for for so long. That feeling of accomplishment, pride and happiness. Her first day had gone by very, very well. She was only looking forward to even better ones.
Scene 6
NARRATION: Elson’s job with The Maritime Mindset goes pretty well for the next few weeks. During her time, she shows her high potential in engineering and idea development which gets her moved up to work with the head engineer, John Miller. Her first few days of working with him went well. However, since he came from an extremely wealthy family, Elson often felt a bit uncomfortable. He grew up in the luxury environments of Tampa, Florida and was highly organized, intelligent, and observant. Elson liked part of his personality, but she was also a bit worried. Could he possibly be so observant and clever that he would figure out Elson’s secret? With a slight bit of anxiety carrying through her good days, Miller and Elson started to get into disagreements. They were both so creative and stubborn that once in a while, a conflict would occur. One time, Elson refused to help Miller with the project if he didn’t include Elson’s engine to the design. They had to compromise after a discussion. Although that situation didn’t really spread into a big deal, disagreements occurred more often and both Elson and Miller began to feel tired of working as partners.
NARRATION: Today, Elson decides to call her mother and simply give her an update. She would have to be very careful since she was still in her office. If anyone heard her during the call, this whole experience could come to an end. She hid in the corner of the cafeteria..
ELSON: No one should be there. It’s way past lunchtime and no one ever works there.
NARRATION: Elson nervously mumbles that she will not get caught. She takes a deep breath, enters the cafeteria, hides in the corner, and calls her mom.
ELSON: Hey, mom.
JANE: Hey, Jenny!
NARRATION: Elson nervously looks around to make sure that no one heard her loud, obnoxious mother. She turns down the volume of her phone, wishing she had earbuds.
ELSON: Mom, please talk quietly. I’m at the office right now.
JANE: Oh! I’m sorry. I know you're not a baby anymore but, how was everything?
ELSON: Good. I am now working with the head engineer. He comes from a very rich family. Super organized and smart. Some days are a bit rough with him but it’s all ok.
JANE: Awwww my Jenny Bean. It’s ok. You will get through it just like you did in high school.
NARRATION: Right then, she saw Miller walk into the cafeteria, she prayed to the bottom of her heart that he didn’t hear her being called Jenny. That could ruin everything. Elson turned away from Miller and nervously continued her call.
ELSON: Uhhhh, yea.
JANE: Well I’m super excited to see your name on the credits when your product comes out! Jennifer Elson in lights. Now that you're working in the lead group, anything that changes?
ELSON: Yea. Well, my salary goes up by 20% and my profile with the rest of the group will be on the front page.
JANE: Ohhhhhhh! I am super proud of you, my Elson. Remember to be polite, and make sure that you’re helping out. Don’t forget to look professional!
ELSON: Mommmmm. I know. I have to go right now. I’ll update you on more later.
NARRATION: Elson hangs up and sighs. Miller had left the room before her mom yelled her real name, but she was scared he overheard. For now, she had to worry about her job. If Miller had heard, she would definitely hear from Davis asking unusual questions.
ELSON: I really hope things will be ok…
NARRATION: Elson walks out of the cafeteria and back into her office. She started working on her email again, wondering if she had made the right decision of lying.