Grade: 6th
School: Fisher Middle School
Hobbies/Interests: Sports, Video Games, Cooking
Why I write: I like to write because it is a way to use my imagination and express how I think and feel. Writing for me sometimes helps me cool down if I am upset or just helps relieve stress by letting my thoughts go on the paper. Writing helps me prepare for the future by teaching me how to entertain, influence, and inform others with my ideas. When I write informational essays, I research and have a better understanding of what I am writing about. Also, writing helps me build my vocabulary instead of using the same words again and again. Writing will help me with my future and how I progress in life.

Dive into Ronny's World

Dive into Ronny's World

What Should I Read Over the Summer?

Great adventure and historical fiction books you do not want to miss.

Exploring our community through creative expression.