Grade: 7th
School: Lawson Middle School
Hobbies/Interests: Guitar, Visual Art, Volleyball
Why I write: Writing isn’t just putting words on a piece of paper. These “words” make up a grand symphony. It expresses emotions, feelings. The greatest delights and the darkest despair. The ability to leave the reader on the edge of their chair, waiting for more. Descriptions and colors dance together to create a magical, beautiful scenery. It fascinates me how you can create an entire world and story for the reader to be lost in. To lead this great symphony, there must be a conductor, the writer.
Currently working on: “Student Advice Column”
Dive into Katherine's World
Dive into Katherine's World
Romanticize School for Straight As
Either its homework, chores, or practicing an instrument, there is always work that needs to be done. And sometimes, we don’t really want to do those tasks. This lazy attitude may cause you to procrastinate, do work last minute, or completely forget about it.
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming soon