What do you like about my teaching?

  • “First you try to understand where we are struggling and then according to that, we work together. Before working on homework that my teachers have assigned, you point out the flaws in my writing and we practice on a separate document to enhance those skills. We also try to come up with hilarious ways to remember things for a subject (flashback to our vocabulary practice).”

  • “Your teaching style is much more effective and it helped me understand the material in a better way. The communication between us created a strong bond and a positive learning environment.”

  • “How you are different from other tutors and teachers is that you try to relate to your students, and try to make lessons fun and not boring. You always check in on how your students are doing, how their week is, and that makes me feel like I am in a safe place with someone who I can trust.”

  • “Unlike other tutors that I’ve had, Linnea isn’t a harsh critic or discourages me for my style of writing. She genuinely takes time to understand who you are, your style of writing, and thought process. I feel very comfortable when she edits and advise my essays.” 

  • “I find that you are more supportive than other teachers and attempt to help with school. Also the way you teach, I don’t feel pressured. I find the way you teach to be better than other tutors and teachers, who force and throw information at people expecting them to learn.”

  • “You are different from other tutors by making lessons so much more fun and you make me so excited on Wednesdays.”

  • “All my teachers are very boring and stale but you aren’t very boring or stale. Also you try to help people do things other than writing such as socializing and etc.”

  • “Linnea is so sweet and super easy to talk to!! She creates a warm environment and there's no tension when discussing any topics. She has helped me with my essays for my college applications, which helped me get into the university of my choice. She also helped me on additional assignments I had in my AP English class, which boosted my grade to an A! She's very organized and helps plan deadlines to complete assignments, offers constructive criticism, and is very thorough and clear with explaining your questions and concerns.”

  • “I've been working with Linnea for the past five years, and she has always made sure that I improve in every literary aspect. We have worked on improving my school writing, along with her creating assignments that help improve my individual skills.” 

  • “Linnea is a one of a kind teacher. When it comes to teaching, she is always so enthusiastic and encouraging as her personalized curriculum helps her students excel at English. My English has vastly improved under her guidance and I couldn't have asked for a better teacher.”

  • “Having been taught by Linnea for several years, I can confidently say that she is extremely passionate about teaching, academic material, and engaging with students. I found that I was in need of her lessons before my SAT, and improved tremendously through constant practice and guidance.”

  • “You are different from many different teachers, acting so happy all the times, even though you may not be, I respect you for the smile you put on your face, despite something that may bother you. Compared to my past teachers, they would all show their dark side upon the students at the smallest things.”

  • “You are always very positive, which makes me motivated to work harder.”

  • “Our sessions are always productive and the lessons are always modified to challenge me and help me improve. I also am really grateful as to how we are able to mold our lessons to go along with what I am doing in my English class at school.”

What is your favorite part about our lessons together?

  • “My favorite part about our lessons together is the beginning when you ask about my week because I get to just spill the tea about what happened last week.” 

  • “I would say that everytime we had a lesson, there would be a fun environment. It wasn’t stressful at all, which made it easier to do the work.” 

  • “My favorite part is how we approach to writing assignment. Personally, I’ve always needed to brainstorm in order to figure our what I want to write, but sometimes that is difficult when struggling with an unfamiliar prompt. I appreciate the productivity and comfortability of the conversations we would have together as my thoughts are a lot organized even though it felt like we were just chatting.”

  • “Making revisions on my mistakes on writing.”

  • “The learning portion is my favorite part, since you thoroughly teach the lessons and the rules.”

  • “My favorite part about our lessons together is learning with you, because you make the learning process fun, and that’s pretty hard to do. Additionally, just writing and doing grammar in general is what you taught me to grow my interest around.”

  • “My favorite part about our lesson is when we do a little check-in at the beginning of each session. When I tell you how many tests I have or the absurd amount of homework I have to finish, I laugh every time because of your reaction to the workload my school gives.”

  • “My favorite part of all the lessons is the time Mrs Linnea spends teaching the same topic to make sure the students get the topic. She does this while teaching many other topics which makes me think this is the best part about her teachings.”

  • “I really appreciate how you ask us what our end goals are, and help us achieve them together by planning out outlines. Additionally, you actually seem interested in your students, asking them about their daily lives every session.”

  • “Though there are many reasons for me to enjoy our lessons, if I were to pick a singular reason, it would probably be because the lessons and activities we do are really interactive and the lessons prepare me to be successful on my own.” 

What benefits do you get from my mentorship both academically and personally?

  • “You teach so much better than the rest of my tutors because you just teach well and I want to know your secret to it. Also, your personality is so sweet like candy and you always seem to make me have a smile on my face.” 

  • “Academically, you improved my critical thinking skills and my understanding of the subject. Personally, I would say you helped me to better manage my time and become more goal oriented with the way we planned out our college essays.” 

  • “Personally, Linnea has become someone more than just a tutor. She reminds me of an older sister that I wished I had who genuinely wants to help you to the best of her abilities either through writing and reading or even networking.”

  • “Linnea not only helped me develop skills in writing and comprehension, but also guided me take a step further into who I want to be. Knowing that I want to be a dietitian, Linnea reached out to her friend who happens to be a dietitian and set up a meeting for the both of us. I had the great opportunity to have a chat with her and ask her questions that I had, and it really helped me get a better understanding of the life of a dietitian. She also introduced me to websites of nutrition organizations to get more involved. I really am thankful for Linnea for introducing me to her friend and giving me that opportunity.”

  • “Academic wise I think you’ve helped me a lot with how I write descriptively and helped me understand the grammar errors I had and how to fix them. Personally, in my opinion I think you’ve helped me to have a more pleasant look and attitude when I talk or listen.”

  • “A better understanding of english, support on essays, and help in things I am worried about. This really helps in improving and I can feel my growth when I write essays.”

  • “Benefits that you give to me as a student and a person in general is that academically, you teach me a lot, and me, my family, and my teachers can see a massive improvement in my ELA skills. Personally, you let me talk about my daily life, and don’t force me to talk about things that I don’t want to talk about.”

  • “You make me better at writing essays and also being CREATIVE.”

  • “Your resources for better vocabulary and the practices we have done benefitted me a lot. Once I started to use them in my writing, I started to see a difference between my boring essays then and my engaging essays now.”

  • “In my opinion, the many benefits are learning new topics in a fun way while learning some life skills at the same time. The teaching style also keeps me very organised while learning great things.”

  • “Being part of this tutoring has allowed me to gain more of an advantage in English both at school and at home. For example, it noticeably improved my grades in English class and helped me greatly during a major poetry writing phase in 7th grade.”

  • “As a student, I am always encouraged to ask for help with assignments from school. Oftentimes my English teachers at school are not able to properly teach me how to make use of prior knowledge and improve on my writing. The advice they give isn’t always specific to me alone, but rather for a general group of students. Our sessions enable me to improve on specific skills that my teachers might be unable to. Besides that, I get to learn a lot of new things besides English through the various genre of books we read.”

What kinds of activities do we do together that build your thinking skills? Can you provide examples?

  • “The activities where you teach, give an example, then me trying them on my own really helps me learn and get to hang of it (like the grammar activities)” 

  • “We did many practice questions and essays to build my thinking skills. For the SAT, we went through numerous practice tests in a timed manner just like how it would be during the actual exam and then afterwards, we would go through and review what I got wrong. For AP Lang, we went through the essays I wrote and peer edited them.”

  • “We analyze texts: Animal Farm, The Red Herring, Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry, etc. Whether reading, assignment, or homework it helps with how I perceive a story and ideas. It really helped in getting away from superficial ideas and going deeper into the idea.”

  • “The kind of activities we do together that build my thinking skills is reviewing my work with you 101. Usually, my teachers would not have the time, but with you I can learn in depth what my problems were about my writing, and get a deeper understanding. For instance, reviewing my essay writing, grammatical errors, ELA workbooks, and so much more.”

  • “Definitely talking. It really happens with getting a better understanding of what your perspective, thoughts, and opinions are on the subject. Personally, I think this helps a lot with organizing and layering out what you want to write for your essays or reports.”

  • “Activities such as coming up with a thesis statement for an essay/paragraph and analyzing novels trying to find the meaning behind the words. Even activities like coming up with new ways to start a sentence or better verbs to use when writing an analysis.”

  • “There are many fun activities that help me think better when I write. Some include persuasive essays which let me think about proving a point in ways I never thought of before.”

  • “Practice exams + exam questions, concept overview, practice analysis, essay writing, etc.”

  • “We do various types of practices that have helped me expand my vocabulary, learn how to efficiently analyze text, and more. For example, last year we analyzed Animal Farm by George Orwell. Not only did we analyze the text we also analyzed primary sources, such as the communist manifesto, which helped get a better understanding of allusions made throughout the text.”

How have our lessons helped shape you and push you as a student?

  • “Your teaching and tutoring has really helped in my learning because you teach well and I understand it well, so it really helps me with the english activities during school or homework.”

  • “It has helped me improve my understanding of the subject matter as well as boost my confidence. It allowed me to keep up with the class and understand the assignments better.” 

  • “You’ve helped me improve in my writing and how to manage my time efficiently with the weekly schedule.” 

  • “It has made my writing have more depth and clarity and I feel that I have more confidence about what I am writing. As a student with bad grammar, I feel that I can write with less concerns of an incoherent and bad essay. From this, I want to say overall that I have improved as a writer.”

  • “How your tutoring helped in part to shape me as a student is by helping me find my little love for ELA. Before I met you, I hated ELA, but now, I think that ELA is fun, and with the right tutor I discovered my little love for ELA.”

  • “I love talking about my opinions on something with someone I’m comfortable with. Whenever I am reading something in class, I will annotate what my thoughts and share it with Linnea when we have discussions about the novel. I think those moments has definitely allowed me to be more connections with the book I am reading and make writing essays easier.”

  • “When I first started, my vocabulary was limited and my writing was bland. With your help I was able to expand my knowledge and use better words that keep the readers engaged.”

  • “Linnea’s teaching helps in part of shaping me as a student by helping me stay organised and able to listen and comprehend things at a rate, faster than before.It also helps me by teaching me life skills I know I will use in the future.”

  • “This experience has led me to pursue a more in-depth understanding of all kinds of subjects. Having the chance to delve into things I enjoy has given me a larger appreciation for knowledge in general.”

  • “I have become a lot more confident in my ability to write and meaningfully analyze texts. I have learned how to efficiently analyze text which is greatly helping me in many of my classes at school. Working with Linnea has helped me build the confidence to challenge myself through courses like AP Literature.” 

  • “Mrs Linnea’s teaching helps in part of shaping me as a student by helping me stay organized and able to listen and comprehend things at a rate faster than before. It also helps me by teaching me life skills I know I will use in the future.”

If you could use 3 adjectives to describe me as a mentor and teacher, what would they be?

  • “You are bright because you always smile and make others smile, nice because your just so understanding and I could just tell you everything, and understanding because you seem to be the only person who understands my thoughts and feelings.” 

  • “Supportive, Enthusiastic, Caring.” 

  • “Encouraging, obliging, and funny.”

  • “Overall, she's a wonderful, compassionate, and kind person and an amazing tutor!”

  • “Amazing, intelligent, and thorough.”

  • “Fun, yet sincere, and VERY thoughtful”

  • “Kind. Patient. Friendly”

  • “Bright, Intelligent, Humorous”

  • “Talkative, motivating, wise”

  • “Knowledgeable, Proactive, Kind”

  • “supportive, caring, and thoughtful.”

  • “There are three adjectives I always think of when I go to Mrs Linnea’s classroom which are: Friendly, direct, and specific because Mrs Linnea teaches in a fun manner while being as specific as possible.”

Do you want to continue with me as a mentor throughout your academic career?

  • “Absolutely. You are the best tutor I have EVER had because you teach SO well, give amounts of homework that is doable but also challenges me, and you're just such a nice and understanding teacher.” 

  • “YES! I would love for you to continue as my mentor and tutor in the future because you are the reason why I am the person I am today. You shaped my little love for ELA, and although you give a lot of homework, you understand that sometimes it can be too much. You are an amazing mentor and tutor and I hope to continue to grow our friendship.”

  • “Yes because I’ve improved over the years and made progress. I can see the progress because when I go back to my writing in the past I think that I wrote really bad and there should be like a million things to fix. You also helped me become a more sociable person, and not only to my friends.”

  • “Yes, I have 4 years of highschool and I don’t know what I want to do. So I think I will need guidance for these 4 years and also to improve as a writer that has confidence to write with no fear.”

  • “If the opportunity arose, I would most definitely continue with you. I’ve had a few tutors in the past, but none of them were as, the 3 adjectives, as you were and it very much helped me improve myself as a student in a number of ways.” 

  • “Yes, because you helped me the most out of all the tutors I’ve had in the past.”

  • “YES, of course, because of how comfortable I am with working and talking to Linnea. I know that I will get work done and have a clear idea of what I want to write by the end of our meeting. I know I can always ask her for help with anything, and we can always schedule a time to meet.”

  • “I would continue with you in the future because your advice for almost every assignment has helped me try different ways of writing. I swear my essays would be the same boring ones if I hadn’t received these new methods of writing.”

  • “Yes! I think the experience so far has greatly improved my skills in the English language, and I'm hoping to be able to continue this trend.”

  • “I would love to continue working with you in the future. I get to learn a lot during our lessons and I still have a lot of room to improve.”

  • “I would love to have Mrs. Linnea as a tutor in the future because she helps me out with my worst subject and taught me many things I used to increase my grade. She did this by teaching more tenses than i knew existed, new formats and many more.”