Kayla Y.

Presidential Speech

Stossel in the Classroom Contest ‘24

“Vote for the environment. Vote for changes. Vote for Kayla!”

Having a balanced ecosystem, eco-friendly daily technologies, and clean energy sources are all extremely significant and valuable things that America needs to make the country a safe, pure and stabilized place for everyone. Growing up as a student who loved animals, knowing that some could never be seen again if the world didn’t do something was awful. If endangered species such as the red panda, humpback whale and whooping cranes disappeared from the ecosystem, not only would we never be able to see these astonishing creatures again but there would be a huge problem for the functioning of America’s ecosystem. Many animals and humans die due to car accidents. Drivers are often distracted, so they make unintended mistakes. But this can be solved. Nuclear power is also another solution that can provide everyday needs without harming the environment. It is an advanced and cleaner source that is proved to be more useful and less polluting than fossil fuels. 

To start with, over 1 million animals are killed by collisions with cars. Globally, around 5.5 million animals are killed by car crashes everyday (Federal Highway Administration). Many vertebrates, mammals, and small animals often run into cars on highways. Squirrels, rabbits and birds often get crushed or run over by vehicles. Due to the expansion of roads in America, mammals like deer often struggle with habitat destruction. This results in them sometimes ending up on busy roads such as freeways and highways. Roadways located in highly populated areas are mostly built along rivers, mountains and plains which is where most deer in America are densely populated. If self-driving cars run by AI took over, there would be less chance of accidents on roads or incidents involving wild animals’ death or injuries. As president, all non AI self-driving cars would be banned by 2040.

The issue of endangered animals is one of the most serious and significant problems in America. Once an animal goes extinct, then it leaves a huge gap in the ecosystem of wildlife. For example, the extinction of the dodo bird is causing almost a third of Mauritius native fruits to no longer be dispersed because no animals are big enough in size to swallow the seeds. The deaths and injuries causing most animal species to become endangered are mostly vehicle accidents, habitat loss, over hunting, climate change, global warming or pollution. Not only does animal extinction affect the ecosystem but it also affects the lives of humans. Only to name a few, extinction of animals can lead to issues with crop pollination, water purification and health issues (Endangered Species Coalition). To make sure that America has a stabilized and balanced ecosystem, we as humans can make a huge difference. Protecting spaces in the wild, learning about endangered and threatened species, volunteering to protect the habitat and reporting wild animals in distress are just a couple of ways to help species animals from becoming endangered. 

In the past, America has dealt with problems regarding fossil fuels. They produce lots of carbon dioxide when burned causing carbon emissions to be trapped in the atmosphere and create climate change. With nuclear power, people would earn massive amounts of carbon-free energy that would also protect America’s air quality. Since nuclear power plants produce little to no carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, the growing speed of global warming and climate change would also start to slow down. Plant Vogtle is a nuclear power plant located in Waynesboro, Georgia that has multiple layers of protection and is designed with redundant safety systems (Georgia Power).The decreasing rate of climate change would give marine and arctic animals a better protection of their special habitat. Then, not so many animals would die and become endangered due to habitat loss. The percentage of animals dying of disease from the environment would decrease too since nuclear power releases fewer unhealthy chemicals into the air. 

All in all, nuclear plants and self-driving cars help protect the wild animals of America and protect them from becoming endangered. Having a species of animals become extinct is a huge problem for the whole country’s ecosystem. According to the Center for Biological Diversity, humans can struggle with the pollination of crops, and purification of water mostly done by the animals in the wild. To prevent this from happening, self-driving or AI generated cars and a clean source of energy can help decrease the percentage of endangered animals. A land of sustainability, purity and advancement can be gained through the leadings of a thoughtful leader.

“Vote for the environment. Vote for change. Vote for Kayla!”