Grade: 8th
School: Union Middle School
Hobbies/Interests: Reading, Drawing, Writing, Braiding, Dancing
Why I write: I write so that I can pour out all my emotions, so that I can express myself to others, similar to dancing or illustrating. Writing has a freeing way of letting yourself be whoever you want to without the limits of reality. Imagination is the only power we have against this cruel and unfair world, against real life. I can create entire worlds and all sorts of different people. I get to make the incredibly risky and bad idea work and feel a sense of satisfaction and happiness for these characters knowing that they would never experience the utter despair and heartbreak.


  • Top Creative Work of the Month - January ‘25

  • Top Creative Work of the Month - October ‘24

Dive into Sandinia's World

Dive into Sandinia's World

How Full Is Your Glass?

 I completely gave up on trying to be optimistic. Somewhere in the far, far past I think I might have once been. And frankly, it didn’t really do anything. The same exact events happened whether I was looking forward to it or not.

A Tale of Ice

Long before the mirror shard tainted Kai’s eyes, the Snow Queen was just a little girl who loved her best friend more than anything. Farrah was kind, but also incredibly shy. Never straying far from her little cottage, the villagers claim she was meddling with witchcraft, all except one.

Do You Ever Feel Lonely?

Loneliness. When you’re clawing and screaming on the inside, longing for someone to just be there. It's not a pleasant feeling.

Sam Sam the Kittycat Man is Gone!

Or is he?


TOP CREATIVE WORK OF THE MONTH - ‘Oct 24: The voices start again. The cries of every sacrifice I had to make to get here. They whimper and scream, “We’re going to get you someday. Just you wait.”


Farrah was utterly in pieces. Not knowing what to do with her wretched life, she gazed out the closest thing to a balcony. The weather was freezing, cold, icy wind blowing straight onto her skin, but her heart was too numb to feel it.

Exploring our community through creative expression.