2024 Summer Contest Prompt
Enlighten your readers with a creative essay that illustrates a slice of life in the Bay Area.
Choose a topic (art, culture, society, business, health, social justice) and interview 3 people over 30 years old in the Bay Area that have interesting professions relating to that topic.
Find a common thread between these three people and write an out-of-the-box essay that shares a distinctly Bay Area story.
Who can apply?
You must be enrolled in the Leading Teen Writers Program
First Division Contest: 6-8th grade
Second Division Contest: 9-10th grade
When is the deadline?
Essays due August 15, 2024 at 11:59pm
No late submissions accepted
What are the guidelines?
Essays must be 1,000-2,000 words
Email leadingteenwriters@gmail.com for any more questions
What are the prizes?
First Division (6-8th grade): 1st place = $100
Second Division (9-10th grade): 1st place = $100
All essays will be published on the Leading Teen Writers website, but the winners will get awards on their personal profiles and will take the top profile spots on the home page.