Yuna H.
Presidential Speech
Stossel in the Classroom Contest ‘24
Do you want to go outside for fresh air, but end up smelling unhealthy gasses? Do you want to make money to put a roof over you or your family’s heads but don’t get paid enough, even if you’re working 12 hours a day? And lastly, do you want fewer deaths to occur with guns, even if it is not someone you care about? Well, these are problems that we face today, and yet not many people are taking care of them. So I want to make sure that climate change, minimum wage, and gun control are going to be taken care of well.
Imagine walking out for some fresh air, but only smelling toxic gasses that damage your lungs. Climate change can sound harmless, until you find out that about 400,000 people die every year from it (American Security Project). Climate change can not only cause harm to us humans, but to animals too. There is way too much trash and pollution in the ocean, and over a million ocean animals a year have died from it. The reason why climate change is getting more severe every year is because of greenhouse gas emissions. They cover the Earth and trap the sun’s heat, which can lead to global warming and climate change. However, not all of them are from factories, and gasses. A lot of the climate change and global warming can also be led by humans.
Scientists have realized and noticed that the current warming is occurring roughly 10 times faster than the average rate of warming after an ice age. This means that in 2030, the warmth will go up about 600 times more than today. The speed is going on and on very rapidly, and it is a huge crisis to all the animals, including humans.
We Americans should care and take note of this climate issue because it is basically our “home” that is getting destroyed. Without people caring about climate change and nobody doing anything about it, it can cause so many problems to the world. Like our crops would start withering and dying, leading us to no food, more of the population (both humans and animals) starting to shrink, and the toxic gasses are simply very damaging to our lungs. So although you may have not caused or wanted any of this to happen, with more and more people helping, it could result in a more happy home.
Why is it that Americans work 9-5, but can’t get enough money for daily food, rent, and even water? Minimum wage has been a problem in America since 1938. Currently, our federal minimum wage is $7.25 per hour. This has made tens and millions of families lose their homes. For example, in California the living wage per person with no children is $28.74 per hour (Living Wage MIT). Well guess what, that's where minimum wage comes in and the person only gets paid $16.00 per hour.
Americans simply do not get paid enough to have a roof over their heads. “The 2023 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count results were released today, showing a 9% rise in homelessness on any given night in Los Angeles County to an estimated 75,518 people and a 10% rise in the City of Los Angeles to an estimated 46,260 people” (LAHSA).
Minimum wage is a big worry for Americans. Americans always have to find the right job, paying a good amount of money, just so they can support themselves or their family. One absent work day can affect someone's bill payments, water bills, or can also make them end up in the street. However, life in the street can be affected by climate change too. When you have no shelter, the pollution can harm you. As president, I plan to raise the minimum wage by $5 per hour.
In 2021, there was 48,830 people who died by guns or firearms. In 1985, 31,566 people died from guns, but that is nothing compared to 2021 (USA Facts). Each year, the deaths from firearms are rapidly changing, and as president, I am going to fix that. Think about it like this, you are at a restaurant, and someone starts shooting the place and you have to give all your money to the robber(s). That is definitely not fun. Or, you send your children or child to school, but there was a school shooting. If that happened to my family, I would be very worried and concerned, and I’m sure you would feel that way too.
Guns are the leading cause of death among American children and teens (Sandy Hook Promise). So it is very significant for gun control because it can help assure that less people are less in danger. Also it can help lower the amount of tragedies that can happen any day.
The climate gets warmer and warmer, minimum wage gets lower and lower, and gun control rates rising higher and higher, we clearly need someone to take care and help fix these problems. That’s why as president, I would prioritize climate change, minimum wage, and gun control, to help not only America, but maybe even influence the whole world.